Смотреть что такое "blackcoat" в других словарях:
Blackcoat — Black coat , n. A clergyman; familiarly so called, as a soldier is sometimes called a redcoat or a bluecoat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blackcoat — noun A member of the clergy … Wiktionary
blackcoat — n. priest, minister, clergyman; member of the clergy … English contemporary dictionary
blackcoat — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : clergyman usually used disparagingly 2. Britain : a member of the black coated class … Useful english dictionary
clergyman — n 1. minister, priest, rabbi, ecclesiastic, churchman, cleric, clerical, clerk, parson, minister of the gospel, servant of God, man of the cloth, father, padre, Brit. blackcoat, reverend, cassock, abbé 2. pastor, rector, dean, vicar, Dial.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
curate — n assistant priest, parish priest, Brit. deputy rector or deputy vicar; chaplain, padre, U.S. Mil. Sl. sky pilot, residentiary; priest, parson, minister, presbyter, abbé , curé , Brit. incumbent; ecclesiastic, clergyman, cleric, churchman, Brit.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
divine — adj 1. godly, godlike, deiform, deified; sacred, religious, holy, saintly, sainted, venerable, angelic, seraphic, blessed, blest, sanctified, hallowed, consecrated. 2. heavenly, celestial, spiritual, ethereal, supernal; beatific, blissful,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ecclesiastic — n 1. clergyman, churchman, cleric, clerk, Brit. blackcoat; minister, parson, divine, reverend, priest, father, rabbi; padre, abbé, curate, curé, chaplain, U.S. Mil. Sl. sky pilot, U.S. Mil. Sl.Holy Joe; pastor, rector, vicar; dean, canon,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
padre — n 1. priest, father, reverend, parson, minister, divine, rabbi; clergyman, cleric, ecclesiastic, man of God, man of the cloth, Brit. blackcoat; pastor, rector, vicar, curate, Brit. incumbent; chaplain, U.S. Mil. Sl. sky pilot. 2. preacher,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
parson — n 1. clergyman, cleric, clerk, ecclesiastic, churchman, reverend, cassock, man of God, man of the cloth, shepherd of souls, Brit. blackcoat; minister, divine, padre, priest, father, confessor; theologian, hierophant. 2. preacher, minister of the… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
priest — n 1. clergyman, cleric, clerical, clerk, ecclesiastic, churchman, minister, divine, man of the cloth, man of God, minster of the gospel, servant of God, cassock, abbd, spiritual father, rabbi, religious, reverend, Brit. blackcoat, liturgist, Rare … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder